We have moved

Effective 1 July 2024 our Perth office has relocated to: Level 14 QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth

All other contact information remains unchanged.

Equity Capital Markets


IPOs Completed


capital raised from IPOs


Capital raised for our clients


transactions completed


Our experienced team provides advice to unlisted and listed companies, broking houses, investment banks, corporate advisers, managed funds, financial advisers, underwriters, private equity groups and high net worth investors in all capital markets transactions.

We are known for our clear and practical legal advice, and we are always aware of the new developments in this area of law, plainly because we do this work day in day out. We are able to provide introductions to our clients to broking houses and underwriters.  We are able to give you clear and actionable legal advice that will get you the outcome you need.


Our firm is consistently ranked 1st Australia-wide in providing legal advice on new listings. Our percentage of the Listing market is generally around 20%, each year (based on deal count).

We assist privately owned and unlisted companies looking to list, predominately on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), and can facilitate the process including:

  • providing advice on seed capital and other pre-IPO offerings;
  • taking the process from concept through due diligence, drafting the offer under the Prospectus and preparing the application to ASX and finally listing; and
  • introductions to stock brokers and corporate advisers.

In addition, we are a "Nominated Advisor" of the National Stock Exchange of Australia (NSX).

We are also able to provide Australian related legal advice to listed and unlisted companies wanting to list on other exchanges, such as the LSE, AIM, TSX and SGX.

"Listings on the ASX each year"

Our equity capital markets services include:

  • seed capital and other pre-IPO offerings;
  • initial public offerings, taking the process from concept through due diligence, drafting the offer under the Prospectus and preparing the application for listing and finally listing;
  • listed and unlisted managed funds;
  • secondary offerings including rights issues (plus accelerated rights offers), placements and share purchase plans;
  • more complex capital instruments, such as debenture and convertible note offerings;
  • buy-backs and capital reductions;
  • underwriting agreements; and
  • reconstructions and re-compliance with the ASX listing rules under Chapter 11.

Related Transactions