We have moved

Effective 1 July 2024 our Perth office has relocated to: Level 14 QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth

All other contact information remains unchanged.

Corporate comment & Steinepreis Paganin News

Dec 13 2023

Limitations on board discretion to waive vesting conditions on options and performance rights

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Aug 17 2023

Preparing for your AGM in 2023

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Oct 28 2022

Clarification on issue cap requirements under employee incentive plans

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Aug 29 2022

2022 AGM and NOM Season – What to Expect

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Aug 26 2022

New Employee Share Scheme Regime

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Jul 01 2022

Steinepreis Paganin is pleased to announce the following promotions from 1 July 2022

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Feb 22 2022

Certainty and modernisation of the Corporations Act for electronic meetings and execution

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Dec 20 2021

2021 in review and looking ahead to 2022….

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Oct 04 2021

The new Design and Distribution Obligations are here

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Sep 28 2021

‘Pump and dump’ campaigns and reporting suspicious activity

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Sep 23 2021

Mandatory JobKeeper reporting for listed entities

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Sep 22 2021

Director Nominations ahead of AGM

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