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Effective 1 July 2024 our Perth office has relocated to: Level 14 QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth

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Syntonic Wireless Inc

Syntonic Limited (formerly Pacific Ore Limited) (Syntonic) is an ASX listed company (ASX Code: SYT) which completed an acquisition of Syntonic Wireless, Inc (a company incorporated in Delaware) (Syntonic Wireless) in July 2016 to give effect to a backdoor listing of Syntonic Wireless (Acquisition). 

Syntonic Wireless was founded in 2013 and has offices currently in Seattle WA, USA and Perth, Western Australia.  Syntonic Wireless is a software company which has developed two mobile technology solutions; Freeway® which allows consumers the ability to connect to the mobile Internet free of charge on their mobile phone by having advertisers pay for the data; and DataFlex® which allows businesses a cost effective mobile split, billing solution to separate personal use from business use on employee smartphones.  Syntonic’s vision is to enable sponsored data to transform how people access content across the mobile Internet.

In connection with the acquisition, Syntonic completed a placement to raise $1.1 million. Syntonic now enjoys a market capitalisation of over $39 million.

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