We have moved

Effective 1 July 2024 our Perth office has relocated to: Level 14 QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth

All other contact information remains unchanged.

Buddy Platform Limited

Buddy Platform Limited (formerly Potash Minerals Limited) (Buddy) is an ASX listed company (ASX Code: BUD) which completed an acquisition of Buddy Platform, Inc (a company incorporated in Delaware) (Buddy Platform) in December 2015 to give effect to a backdoor listing of Buddy Platform (Acquisition).

Buddy Platform has offices in Seattle WA, USA and Adelaide, South Australia. Buddy has developed a platform (the Buddy Platform) for managing and accessing data generated by the connected “internet of things” (IoT).  The Buddy Platform helps consumers take advantage of our ever more connected world by unlocking the value in the tremendous amounts of data generated by IoT devices. It provides a single pipeline to collect, analyse and interpret device data, connecting the world's IoT devices and systems for real-time intelligence and decision making.

In connection with the Acquisition, Buddy completed a placement to raise $10,000,000, together with a share purchase plan to its shareholders prior to completing the Acquisition to raise an additional $2,500,000.  Buddy Platform now enjoys a market capitalisation of over $24 million.

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