We have moved

Effective 1 July 2024 our Perth office has relocated to: Level 14 QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth

All other contact information remains unchanged.

Sky and Space Global Ltd

Sky and Space Global Ltd (SSG), an ASX listed company  (ASX Code: SAS) with European and Israeli centres of Aerospace, Satellite and Software Industry Experts. plans to deploy nano-satellites constellations in orbit to provide global communication infrastructure.  The core SSG business is to construct a communication infrastructure based on nanosatellite technology and develop software systems that will deploy, maintain orbit control and handle communication code between each of the nanosatellites to provide global coverage once a sufficient global network of nano-satellites is deployed.

The SSG business strategy is nanosatellite communication coverage on an ANYWHERE to EVERYWHERE basis with relatively low maintenance costs.  Due to the experience and expertise of the founders in the aerospace industry, the business will be able to develop and upgrade capabilities within short intervals, utilizing unique IP-nanosat network software protocols.

In May 2015, SSG completed a reverse takeover into a listed entity by the name of Burleson Energy Limited, with a purchase price for SSG of approximately $15 million in equity (with a further $6 million available upon hitting performance milestones).  In conjunction with the transaction, SSG completed a $5 million equity raising.  SSG now enjoys a market capitalisation of over $100 million.

Peter Wall, a Partner at Steinepreis Paganin, is the Non-Executive Chairman of SSG.

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