We have moved

Effective 1 July 2024 our Perth office has relocated to: Level 14 QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth

All other contact information remains unchanged.

Financial Services

Steinepreis Paganin has provided continuous service and quality legal advice to its clients in relation to financial services matters since 2001.

Our typical financial services clients include property syndicates and funds, investment funds (generally registered and unregistered managed investment schemes), investment companies (including listed investment companies (LICs)),  stockbrokers, financial planners and professional services firms providing expert reports.

We also provide advice in relation to most other financial services related matters, including anti money laundering (AML/CTF) and compliance related matters. We are up to date with the law relating to recent developments, such as fintech, crowdfunding, peer to peer lending and venture capital limited partnerships (ESVCLPs/VCLPs).

Our regular contact with the regulators and intimate knowledge of the legislation allows us to fully appreciate the intricacies and nuances associated with this area of the law. Our priority is to use this “hands on” experience to assist our clients to efficiently achieve each of their commercial objectives.

Our competitive advantage is that we are an experienced streamlined team which is readily available to provide legal advice and solutions in the financial services space.

We also have contacts who can provide responsible manager services or interim licensing solutions on a contractual basis.

For further information, please contact Matthew Hawtin (Partner).

The services we provide include advising on:

  • AFS licensing, including AFSL authorisation advice, AFSL applications, AFSL variations and responsible manager selection;
  • establishment and operation of property syndicates, structured as either managed investment schemes or companies; and
  • establishment and operation of investment funds and investment companies (including registered and unregistered MISs, LICs and EVCLPs/VCLPs).

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