We have moved

Effective 1 July 2024 our Perth office has relocated to: Level 14 QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth

All other contact information remains unchanged.

Contact Christopher Marr

Christopher Marr LLB BCOMM (FINANCE)

Partner (Melbourne Office)

Main Areas of Law

  • Equity Capital Markets
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Financial Services and Funds
  • Corporate Reconstructions
  • Energy and Resources

Background and Experience

Christopher is a Partner in our Melbourne office. 

Christopher is a highly experienced corporate and commercial lawyer with more than 10 years’ experience in private practice and in-house.  He has worked in Australia and internationally including a 3 year term as in-house counsel in the London office of a global multi-strategy hedge fund with over US$4 billion in assets under management.

Christopher holds a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) and is admitted to practice in Victoria, Australia.  He was admitted as a solicitor in March 2006.

He has a wide range of experience including in primary and secondary capital raisings, mergers and acquisitions (public and private) and Takeovers Panel matters, corporate insolvency and reconstructions and  financial services / funds (including Australian financial services licencing).

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