We have moved

Effective 1 July 2024 our Perth office has relocated to: Level 14 QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth

All other contact information remains unchanged.

Corporate comment & Steinepreis Paganin News

Mar 12 2021

New rules for foreign financial services providers in Australia

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Feb 23 2021

Permanent changes to continuous disclosure laws and extension of temporary measures allowing virtual AGMs and electronic signing of documents

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Feb 18 2021

Importance of filing director resignations on time

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Dec 18 2020

Foreign investment thresholds reinstated and major reforms given seal of approval

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Dec 04 2020

Regulatory Update

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Oct 23 2020

Permanent changes to permit virtual meetings and electronic communications

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Sep 24 2020

Extension to ASIC’s ‘low doc’ relief for capital raisings

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Sep 10 2020

Important changes for your 2020 AGM

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Sep 09 2020

Revised ASX Guidance on Performance Securities and Significant Changes to Activities

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Jul 10 2020

ASX extends its temporary capital raising relief

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Jun 26 2020

A sign of the times? Goldsea’s takeover bid for Alto Metals lapses following extended FIRB review

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Jun 23 2020

ASIC announces end date for temporary capital raising relief

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