We have moved

Effective 1 July 2024 our Perth office has relocated to: Level 14 QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth

All other contact information remains unchanged.

Corporate comment & Steinepreis Paganin News

Sep 08 2021

ASIC formalises extension of time to hold AGMs

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Aug 13 2021

Temporary relief to hold virtual meetings

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Aug 12 2021

Permanent continuous disclosure reforms and temporary relief permitting electronic communications approved

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Jun 30 2021

Steinepreis Paganin welcomes Pia Drummond and Matt Ireland to the Partnership from 1 July 202

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Jun 02 2021

ASX’s latest ramping reprimand

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May 28 2021

Holding shareholder meetings during current COVID-19 restriction

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May 21 2021

Unexpected backflip on new licensing regime for foreign financial services providers

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May 20 2021

Increased expectations around climate change risk disclosure and governance

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Apr 28 2021

ASIC announces additional month to file financials and two months to hold AGMs

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Mar 30 2021

ASIC takes a ‘no action’ position on virtual meetings

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Mar 22 2021

End to temporary relief allowing virtual meetings and return to historical continuous disclosure rules

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Mar 19 2021

Amended Guidance on Performance Securities

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